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Kunekune Pigs

We originally bought our pigs to become more self-sufficient. Once we started getting different piglets we learned how smart they are and that they all have unique personalities. Our original group of pigs all have names from the show Bluey, Megan’s son's favorite TV show.


We received her from another local farm and she is a sweetheart to the kids. She prefers her grain over anything else. She loves butternut squash and pumpkins!


He is a very sweet old man that LOVES mud! Usually pigs are clean animals, but Freddie will find any puddle and just make a huge mess!


She is our problem child and is always into something. She loves acorns and watermelon.


She is our sweetest girl and the favorite here on the farm. She loves cuddles, belly rubs, and really any attention that she can get. She loves lettuce and bananas.


He is our Stud Muffin here on the farm and is always sunbathing. He also has learned that ducks and chickens lay very yummy eggs and will stalk the birds around the yard to get a tasty treat when they lay an egg. He also loves bootie scratches.

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